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The Boy Behind The Book
Hi, I'm Noah, aged 8 years old from Bolton, England. I wanted to write Danny The Dino for two reasons.
First, I want to help teach others what living with Autism is like. I love dinosaurs so I figured this was the best way to show it.
And second, I REALLY want a Cyberquad and my daddy said a big fat "no", but he did say I could earn my own money, so here I am!
I also want to donate money I make to charity to help other kids and grown ups with Autism and maybe write more books one day!
I didn't just want to make the book as exciting and colourful as possible I wanted it to be the BEST quality book that you can get.
If you're spending your money on my book you deserve the best.
The cover is heavy and glossy and the pages are silk finish with the highest quality I could get, so hopefully your book lasts a lifetime.

The Girl Behind The Boy Behind The Book
Hi, I'm Robyn, aged 10.
I helped my brother write his book and I also help my daddy with the marketing for the book. We've got some pretty fun stuff planned I can't wait to show everyone.
I've only wanted to strangle my brother a few times while we've been writing the book.
We've both put a lot of work into it, I really hope you like it.

The Dad Behind The Girl Behind The Boy Behind The Book
I've learned a lot about publishing a book, largely against my will.
Get Your Own Danny
Danny The Dino & His Super Senses
The book everyone (in our house) is talking about!
A heart-warming story about how a young dino with Autism navigates a big, loud and scary world, with help from some pretty awesome dino friends.
Written by 8 year old Noah, with help from his big sister Robyn, Noah shares his first hand experience of life with Autism.
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The Evolution of Danny 🦕

Every story needs a beginning, for Danny's it started with Noah seeing a Cyberquad for the first time.
He asked his dad if he could have one to which his dad replied a swift - NOPE. Christmas had just been (and gone), a Cyberquad was firmly off the cards.
His dad suggested that Noah could by all means, earn his own money to fund his purchase - so after a few ideas sessions, it was decided that Noah was going to write a book.
Noah didn't just want to write a book to earn money, he saw it as an opportunity to help educate others about the challenges Autistic people face on a daily....
And so Danny was born!
Once Noah had his idea locked in we got to work...with zero experience whatsoever.
Needless to say, this was a baptism of fire for all of us but from nothing, a seedling of an idea began to appear.
After spending every spare second of our evenings and weekends helping Noah with his idea, that seedling began to grow...
As with most journeys, ours wasn't the easiest. We'd never written a book before, so had no idea what to expect.
It seemed that at every possible turn, there was something preventing us from moving forward.
But we stuck with it, keeping our goals firmly in our sight and eventually overcame anything that came in our way.
This was a valuable lesson for Noah, along with anyone else reading - nothing great ever came easy.
After nearly a month of spending every spare moment working on the book, overcoming obstacles and stretching the idea of what we felt was possible - a miracle occurred.
Danny was finally born.
And now we're happy to be able to share our hard work with you.
Danny isn't just a book - it's actual proof that you can do anything when you put your mind to it.
What People Really Think 💭

"Proud of what you and your sister have done, well done guys"
Fantastic Book
"Really well written and the drawings really help bring it to life. Well done."
I Love Danny
"Can't get enough of Danny. The story is amazing and the pictures are excellent"
More than just a book 📖
Danny the Dino is more than just another kids book. It's been written from the perspective of someone who lives with Autism with the hope of showing people what it's really like.
Autism is a spectrum, and so no two people on 'the spectrum' are the same, but we hope that some will resonate with the story we've made in a bold, fun way.
Learn about what life may be like for someone living with Autism.
Join Danny on his journey with his friends to learn more about his Autism.
Illustrated beautifully by Maria Galvez, take a journey back to the jurassic period with Danny and his friends.
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